Hey all! Those of us at RiverCity Washers tend to kick the tires on various thoughts and ideas for the game of washers. Of course, we are happy to create a pitching washers for any style of game; however, we tend to see such a variance in the styles and types of washer game boards out there.
Let’s start with the various types of washers games that exist. You have a mix of square washer games, slant board washer game, flat game board, and the original ‘pit’ style. All variations are made with either wood or plastic with the exception of the pits which simply have a cup/can buried in the ground. Finally, players also have a preference of one to three holes (cups/cans) for scoring. OK, now that we’ve gone through the various styles of washers games at a high level, I’m ready to get to my point.
No matter what you decide to call your game, you still have to determine what size of pitching washers you want to use. If the pitching washers are too big then it may not drop in the hole, cup, or can very easily. The weight of the pitching washers you plan to use are often influenced by personal preference for your washer tossing style. It’s also important to know the type of material the washers games are made of. Three inch and three and a half inch washers weigh considerably more and could tear up the wood, plastic, or cup/can that your washers game is made up. Most people are playing with two and half inch pitching washers. This size seems to be the most common to use no matter the washers game board you prefer.
RiverCity Washers is happy to custom order any size pitching washers you prefer for your game. If any of the three standard sizes we offer aren’t suitable, we’ll get the size of pitching washers you need. All of our pitching washers are professionally powdercoated and we do our best to maintain high quality pitching washers for our customers.
Remember to send us any pictures of you or your family/friends pitching washers and we’ll post them on our website and on facebook.
Thanks for reading.